Impacting Communities

Impacting Communities in every positive way we can through community outreach and spreading the word of God is our duty. We are passionate about Mentoring Families in our faith of the Apostolic Church.  We like to help people discover their true identity and their relationship with God, their faith, family, their community, and simply how to be a good person.  Because Good people bring out the good in other people.  

Transforming People and Communities in the name of Lord, we believe creates a better world.  A world of inspiration and based in the Prophetic Church will no doubt help us all find our faith replenished and revived.  So come join us and help make our world better and make a culture impact.  

For the best God's service to Impacting Communities in Aurora, IL, call and come visit us today! Kingdom Impact Center. As your local premier Apostolic Church, we specialize in School of the Supernatural, Impacting Communities, Teaching and Training, Inspiration, and True Identity.


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